Seeking Treatment from a Chiropractor After a Car Accident
In some instances, your chiropractor might order tests to help diagnose your condition. An x-ray can show narrowed disc space, fractures, bone spurs, or arthritis. A computerized axial tomography scan (a CT or CAT scan) or a magnetic resonance imaging test (an MRI) can show bulging discs and herniations. If nerve damage is suspected, your doctor may order a special test called electromyography (an EMG) to measure how quickly your nerves respond.
Depending on your diagnosis, your chiropractor may determine certain treatments are necessary. Some of these treatments may include adjustments, massage, intersegmental traction, and muscle stimulation.
The physical manipulation in massage has two major physical effects: increase in blood and lymph circulation and relaxation and normalization of the soft tissue (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments), which releases nerves and deeper connective tissues.
Intersegmental Traction
Intersegmental traction is an effective chiropractic therapy that induces passive motion into the spine for the purpose of stretching spinal joints and increasing mobility. Intersegmental traction helps to gently and effectively reestablish normal range of motion to your spine.
Muscle Stimulation
Muscle Stimulation is the use of an electrical current to reduce pain, inflammation, and muscle atrophy. TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation), is predominantly used for nerve related pain conditions, and work by sending stimulating pulses across the surface of the skin and along the nerve strands. Call ChiroCare Injury Rehab with all your chiropractor after car accident questions or to schedule an evaluation.