Convenient Auto Injury Doctor Appointments

Our doctors specialize in treating those who have been injured in auto accidents. Convenient auto injury doctor appointments at ChiroCare can be scheduled by calling (210) 960-9000 or using our Schedule Your New Patient Evaluation form. Doctors at our six convenient locations see patients in person or virtually through our telemedicine clinic. Click here to see all our auto injury treatment locations or call with questions.

What is a typical auto injury in office visit like?

At your first visit, you will be asked to complete our new patient form. You can save time at the first visit by completing the new patient intake form beforehand.

On your first visit, your doctor will strive to learn about you to understand better what treatment you may need. Your doctor will perform a series of tests, such as musculoskeletal and neurological evaluations and orthopedic testing, to test for muscle weakness, tenderness, and spasms. Your doctor may recommend further testing such as imaging (MRI, CT, or Radiographs) and/or specialist referrals if needed.

Depending on your examination, your first visit may include recommendations for passive and acute care therapy and/or home exercises.

Follow up visits typically last between 30-45 minutes and depending on the course of treatment recommended for you, may include adjustments, therapeutic activities, exercises, massage, traction, muscle stimulation, heat/ice, and manual therapies.

Which Conditions Can Be Treated?

While our doctors at ChiroCare Injury Rehab mainly treat injuries occurring following auto accidents, we also treat sports injuries, headaches, neck pain, back pain, rotator cuff injuries, elbow pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, hip pain, groin pulls, hamstring sprain/strain, Sciatic, knee pain, Patellar Tendonitis, calf sprain/strain, shin splints, ankle sprain/strains, Achilles Tendonitis, and Plantar Fasciitis.